
A wild-child from the Azim Steppe who has forsaken her tribal name and ventured out to see the world herself. In the pursuit of her own satisfaction she has honed her body and mastered many martial arts... But at the end of the day, all she really wants is fun times.

Sumi was born in the Nhaama Desert to a tribe she refuses to name. There is not much that she will say about her time in and around the Steppe. Only her closest confidants have been successful in asking about her life before leaving home, though she does speak fondly of the friends she made when visiting Reunion, and she quite enjoys a literal taste of home from time to time.After leaving the Steppe is when one can begin to learn more about her. Soon after starting her journey to see the world she ran afoul of a wild tiger which very nearly killed her, but her life was saved by an elderly Hannish warrior named Vikram. The man was skilled in many different forms of combat and carried several different weapons on his person and the skill with which he felled the beast inspired Sumi. She insisted that the man take her as a disciple, and he gladly accepted. Sumi now joined the man in his travels, learning both his martial skills and the stories of his travels and his life. Vikram's travels did not continue too much longer. He had lived a life full of exploration and adventure, and made the decision to settle back down in Thavnair.Sorry that he could not continue at her side, Vikram gave Sumi the Hannish saber that his wife once wielded as well as his well-wishes. Though she was initially distraught to lose her mentor and travelling companion, Sumi decided to continue her pursuit of adventure on her own. Above all else, Sumi desires freedom, and she now had the skills to take it for herself. Her travels soon took her to Eorzea. Specifically she went to Ul'dah, as she had heard it was one of the better places to hone one's body in Eorzea, and found herself signing up with the Adventurer's Guild as well as the Pugilist's Guild. Her strength lended itself well to an unarmed fighting style, giving her a fighting chance even when unarmed.Sumi found success as an official adventurer over the years, making quite decent coin while continuing to have fun and indulge in her vices without hesitation. Eventually she found herself renowned enough to be scouted by an organization for more steady work. It seemed perfect for a time, and she even grew quite close to the Lord she served, but she found herself plagued with self-doubt and decided to travel to Thavnair to see her Master and get advice.But then the Final Days struck.Just when she had gotten comfortable in Vikram's home and became associated with the man's half-auri son, Vahid, the skies went dark and men began to turn into monsters. Sumi, of course, rushed into action to slay as many of the monsters as she could. Eventually she was able to fight her way through several of them until she made her way out of the city to aid the people of Palaka's Stand. It was there that she was ambushed by several of the creatures- Far more than she could handle. She performed admirably, but could only slay a few of her attackers before they got the best of her. She thought her life over, but Vikram appeared in the nick of time, just as he had done years prior, and saved her life. Only this time it was at the cost of his own. Though the threat was averted and her life was saved, she very nearly succumbed to the same despair that claimed all the beasts they had fought their way through, but Vikram's parting words instilled in her just enough hope to fight on.With such an important person to her gone, Sumi decided to uproot herself and leave the organization she had been affiliated with. A number of factors played into this, but above all was her lust for freedom. So she set out once more to claim strength and seek mirth.

Name: Sumi

Age: 23

Birthplace: The Nhaama Desert

Height: 5 Fulms

Race: Au Ra Xaela

Eye Color: Purple

Hair Color: Silver

Gender: Transgender Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nameday: 19th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

Likes: Combat, Weapons, Meat, Exercise, Freedom

Dislikes: Controlling People, Silence, Bores, Bitter Things

Notable Features: Her left horn is notably smaller and less well-shaped than her right horn.

  • 18+ only, no matter the content of the scene.

  • OOC approaches only.

  • SFW and NSFW both acceptable, but context is a must for the latter.

  • I'm friendly and chill, and I'd prefer if you were too.

  • No OOC Bigots.

Art By:

  • Her Tribe: Sumi does not like to talk about her tribe and will avoid the topic if she can. Though those familiar with the culture of the tribes of the Steppe might be able to discern her tribe based purely off her appearance. Additionally, those who are also of the Steppe may have had the chance to meet her, whether it be because they are from the same tribe as her, or because she left an impression on them during a visit to Reunion.

  • Weapons: Sumi has a large collection of weapons of all types, and will take an interest in individuals with unique weapons. She may try to coerce one to part with such a piece, or even just ask about it.

  • Adventure: She takes many Guild jobs, and many of them will see her grouping with others to complete an objective. Many fun interactions can occur in a scenario like this.

  • Her Horn: Her horns are uneven, and she is extremely self-conscious about this. If you want Sumi to REALLY dislike you, pointing this out early on is a good way to make that happen.